Armenology is regarded as one of the key directions of the national and scientific policy of the Armenian state. Therefore several important decisions have been adopted, aimed at the further development of that scientific domain.
– The Republic of Armenia Government N1 Protocol Resolution on January 12, 2012 established “The Concept of Developing Armenology”, “Strategy for Development of the Domain of Armenology in the RA in 2012-2025” and “The Timetable for Implementing the Arrangements of the Strategy for Development of the Domain of Armenology in the RA for 2012-2025”.
– The 1638-A decision of the RA Government on December 6, 2012 established an All-Armenian Foundation Financing Armenological Studies to be financed by 50 million drams from the budget.
– To coordinate Armenological works in the RA a board for Armenological problems has been established chaired by the Prime Minister of RA and consisting of Armenologists and state figures.
– The NAS RA Presidium and The Board of Trustees of the All-Armenian Foundation Financing Armenological Studies determined to establish publication of the five-lingual International scientific journal under the name of “Banber Haiagitutyan” (Journal of Armenian Studies) (2013) and the electronic journal “Fundamental Armenology” in English (2015).
– By the decision of the NAS RA Presidium, the membership of the International Board for coordination of Armenological Research has been established including renowned Armenologists from Armenia and abroad.
The three pillars of developing Armenology are: the RA National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan State University and the Matenadaran.

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