On April 24, 2015, all Armenians throughout the world are going to commemorate one-and-a-half million innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide. On this day the progressive people of the world will be standing next to us - Armenians, for whom the year of 1915 and April 24 have turned into the symbol of condemnation and prevention of the greatest crime against humanity and civilization - the genocide. One of the basic characteristics of the Armenian Genocide was the fact that the crime was committed against the background of an international political system which, in fact, had sufficient potential to prevent the atrocities or to punish the criminal: the victorious Great Powers who had won World War I were really capable of doing that. But the Great Powers responsible for the international security failed to realize the fatal mistake they made when restrained from the punishment of the crime of the Armenian Genocide after 1915. It was not an ordinary mistake, but rather a criminal indifference toward the responsibility that history had granted them. They not only forgave the murderer, but encouraged him as well, silencing the crime and upsetting the ready plan of the Armenian nation to restore the Armenian statehood also in western part of its Homeland - Western Armenia. This was sure to affect the entire international system of security and the future course of history. In its estimates of impunity and over-permissiveness, international terrorism is the transformation of genocide. The destructive boomerangs that the Great Powers threw into history at the outset of the previous century today are back to hit themselves and the entire humanity - that is the suicide road of mankind. Whether or not the world superpowers will change their attitude to the issue, each and every reasonable person, alone or with supporters, should do his utmost to build a genocide-free world, a world where genocide has no place.

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