Edited by Marie-Luisa Frick and Andreas Oberprantacher, University of Innsbruck, Ashgate, 2009, 284 pages.
A Book Review by Danielyan E. L.
Published in «Լրաբեր» հաս. գիտ., N 3, 2011
The book provides detailed analysis of current developments in international politics, focuses on conditions for social and ecological justice in international economics against the background of financial crisis from points of view of the concepts of justice and power in international relations.
The contributors of the book, reflecting the work of the internationally acclaimed Austrian philosopher Hans Köchler and touching the problems of the place of international law, the meaning of economic justice and the importance of dialogue of civilizations, have had a goal to highlight a better comprehension of the interrelation between power and justice in view of current world tensions. Hans Köchler in the 1980s criticized legal positivism and promoted a theory that human rights are the basis of international law's validity. His reflections on political philosophy, democracy in inter-state relations, the role and philosophical foundations of civilizational dialogue, a comprehensive system of international criminal justice led him to the field of research of problems concerning world order, including the dialectic relationship between power and law [1-4], and law as a system of norms based on the equality of all nations [5, p. 19].

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