At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, during the rise of the national liberation movement of the Armenian people, the restoration of national statehood became one of the priority issues of the Armenian social and political thought. There were fundamental conditions for this. During the First World War, the overthrow of the Russian autocracy and the collapse of the empire, the defeat of Ottoman Turkey and the creation of the First Republic of Armenia made possible to restore the lost Armenian statehood in the territory of historical Armenia and the solution of the Armenian Question more realistic. In that period, each of the Armenian national-political circles had its own point of view regarding the political orientation of the Armenian people, the structure, character, and territory of the national state.
The article presents the Hunchakyan party’s approach to the issue. The influence of the international-political events of the time on the fate of the Armenian people and the evolution of the Hunchakyans’ views on the issues of Armenian statehood are presented. The above-mentioned was most completely and consistently expressed in the “Young Armenia” periodical, the press organ of the American branch of the Social Democratic Hunchakyan Party (hereafter SDHP). In the context of the problem, the issues related to the mandate of Armenia, the policies adopted by Azerbaijan and Georgia towards the First Republic of Armenia, threats to Armenian statehood are discussed. Chronologically, the article covers the period between 1918 and 1921. In order to avoid the political mistakes made in the recent period of our history, to get rid of romantic delusions, and at the same time, in terms of developing the right strategy for the development of national statehood, the article can have a scientific-cognitive and guiding significance. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that Armenian statehood faced challenges that have many similarities with the political problems of more than a century ago.

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