Nerses Ashtaraketsi has played an important role in the social, spiritual, cultural life of the Armenians of the first half of the 19th century. As a clergyman and Catholicos of All Armenians (1843-1857), he has focused on education issues. At the latter’s initiative and direct participation, in 1824, the famous Nersisyan School was founded in Tiflis. During the 100 years of its activities, it played a significant role in the life of Armenians. Every educational institution needs both qualified pedagogical staff and a favorable educational environment to carry out effective activities. Nerses Ashtaraketsi and later the representatives of the school’s trusteeship did everything in that direction, providing an educational environment that meets the requirements of the time. The school was located in three main buildings. The first building was built at the direct initiative of Nerses Ashtaraketsi and in 1824 school operated directly in that building. The building was one of the most beautiful ones in Tiflis and was not inferior to similar European educational institutions of the time. In 1854 a new building was bought for the Nersisyan School, the building of the post office near the Alexandrian Park in Tiflis. In 1859-1912 the school mainly operated in that building. Some classes were also held in buildings located in different districts of Tiflis. The last building of Nersisyan School was built in 1909-1912 with the funding, allocated by a philanthropist Alexander Mantashyan. Built in an exclusively Armenian architectural style, the building was unique in its kind. It completely corresponded to modern educational institutions providing quality education. The article discusses the history of the creation of Nersisyan school’s buildings and the conditions of education.

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