TROOPS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND THE DIFFERENCE OF CULTURES. Part II (Variants and Lessons of Russian, Soviet and Other Models for Us)
Due to the absence of domestic military science as a separate branch of science, the topic touched on by the USSR’s GS and management culture, the largest bearer of the German model after the FWW, remains an open topic. The Russian and especially the Soviet model was based on the Prussian model and even more today continues to bear the influence of the latter, but in a more refined form. The Russian army was one of the first in the world to follow Prussian innovations. The British model was and still is unacceptable to the Russian mentality and value system.
The problem is that liberalism has always been punished in this country, serfdom is still very deep in public perception. It should also be noted that the influence of the Soviet model among the post-Soviet countries was quite large and is still large. But in the second decade of the 20th century, a number of post-Soviet countries began to abandon this model one after another. Although the Soviet model seems to be the main one among the CSTO countries, nevertheless, as a result of the reforms taking place in the Armenian Army after the 44-Day War of 2020, there are tendencies to abandon that model. We hope that they will have a fundamental nature.
- Keywords:
- army
- troops
- General Staff
- Military school
- war
- Russia
- Armenia
- Artsakh

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