Alexander Keshishyan, the Syrian-Armenian famous ophthalmologist, intellectual, public figure, and big supporter of the centuries-long Armenian-Arab friendship is already 80-years old. By his patriotic selfless activity during his entire life A.Keshishyan contributed much to the strengthening of Armenian-Arab friendship. Rightfully, he could be regarded as the ambassador of Armenia in the Arab world.
A.Keshishyan was born in Aleppo in April 19, 1943 by Armenian father and Arab mother. He received his education in the Armenian Krtasirats school of Aleppo, then American Aleppo College, and Arab Raet al-Arabi schools. In 1964-1971 entered the Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia), the Department of Ophtalmology (supervisor Sergei Malayan). After graduating University in 1971-1974 he worked at the “Jebejyan Ophtalmological Center”, the only such institution in the Middle East.

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