The strategy is the philosophy of the organization, which expresses its competitive goals, priorities of resource distribution and actions, and the validity of the strategy is significantly determined by the methodology of its development, as well as the way, i.e. the level of intellect and leadership style of the chief executive of the organizational structure - the leader, as the first figure of making managerial decisions. The next administrative decision after the adoption of the strategy by the corresponding authorized bodies is the approval of the organizational structure of the administration, which must take into consideration certain requirements: correspond to the implementation of certain strategic goals of the organization, professional and industry division of labor, characteristics of rational bureaucracy, formulated by M. Weber, to be flexible and adaptable in the conditions of changes at high rates of scientific and technological processes, to ensure optimization of the administrative apparatus.
One of the features of public administration is that, in addition to the above mentioned requirements, it is necessary to attach significant importance to the first level of the historically formed division of public labor, as well as the core of the long-term strategy of the state - the mission of ensuring the necessary level of the population’s well-being and the country’s security.
Substantive and juridical-administrative relations between the strategy and the organizational structure are regulated by the provisions of the current legislation taking into consideration that the structure is the environment for the implementation of the adopted strategy.

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