THE ARMENIAN-GEORGIAN RELATIONS DURING THE FALL OF KARTLI-KAKHETI KINGDOM (According to Georgian Sources and Georgian Contemporary Historiography)
The article presents the process of annexation of Eastern Georgia to Russia. The study of the relations between the Armenian and Georgian peoples has always been one of the most important trends of Georgian historiography. During the long- term absence of independent statehood, various parts of the Armenian people found themselves within the borders of neighboring states and were forced to live there following the laws of these states. In this regard, the events of the last quarter of the 18th century were no exception. Since the second half of the 17th century, the liberation expectations of the Armenian people had mainly been associated with the Russian Empire. This was due to the new political process that Russian Empire adopted after the annexation of Georgia. Thus, the matter of Georgia’s accession to Russia was closely associated with the future of Armenia. This is the reason we discuss the matter of Georgia’s annexation to Russia in detail, as it was a turning point for the Russian government and makes the leaders of the Armenian liberation movement face difficult task: that is what will be the future of Armenia.

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