Like in other languages, where the term «police» originates from the word «city», in Armenian also vostikan is formed from vostan «capital city, royal city». With this is conditioned the inseparable connection of the police and the city and city life. Hence, the leading police educational centres were operating in the cities, particularly in the capital cities.
About 2800 years old Yerevan has a hundred years' tradition of training policemen. This is fully supported by the archival materials of the First Republic of Armenia. Soon after the declaration of independence in May 28, 1918 was established the Interior Ministry, which included also the police. The government does its best to secure this office with own personnel, thus in July 9, 1919 were organized the «Judicial-legal courses». Here it was taught to give military orders in mother tongue. The goal of the courses was to teach the policemen laws, introduce them to there rights and obligations.
In Soviet Armenia were also made some steps, but they were directed on the «releasing the police of untrustful and socially unrelated elements». In the USSR the police was «purified» twice, in 1922-1923 and 1929-1930. It should be mentioned that in some cases the leadership of Soviet Armenia, especially in 1920s, makes more strict decisions, sometimes contradicting the instructions of Moscow. Was fealt the desire of the so-called «revolutionary» spirit and fundamental changes.
The higher school of the Interior ministry and National Security ministry of RA was reorganized into the higher educational institution on the base of the former higher courses of the Soviet Interior ministry (1990-1991) and the secondary professional police school of the same ministry (1966-1990); in 1991-1995 it had functioned as the higher school of officers of the Interior ministry of RA, and from September 26, 1995, according to the decision of the Prime-minister of RA, the higher school of police of the Interior ministry of RA and the higher school of officers of the interior forces were attached to the higher school of the Interior ministry of RA; in 1996, in connection with the needs to prepare specialists for the realization of the criminal detentions and the establishment of departments of the officers of interior forces this institution was renamed as the higher school of the Interior ministry of RA. By the decision of the government in July 16, 1993 the military-applied college after king Varazdat was taken from the department of physical culture, sports and youth oft he Government and put under the authority of the Interior ministry. In August 18, 2000 the educational institution was renamed as the Academy of the Interior ministry of RA, and in April 28, 2011 - Educational center of police of RA. In 2013 to the Educational center was given the museum of police. From March 25, 2016 by the order of the director of the Educational center was established «Stronghold of Law», a scientific-methodological journal where are publishing articles dealing with the field of jurisprudence on three languages (Armenian, Russian and English).

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