M. Stone was born in Leeds, England (October 22, 1938). In 1941 his family moved to Sydney, Australia, where he was raised. He earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Melbourne in Semitic Studies and the Classics in 1956-1960. At the same year he immigrated to Israel 1960. After a year-long acclimation program at the Hebrew University (1960-1961), M. Stone was transferred to Harvard University, USA and there completed a doctorate under the supervision of Professor Frank M. Cross in the Department of Near Eastern Languages (1961-1965). His doctorate addressed the conception of eschatology in 4 Ezra. Afterwards he became a lecturer in Comparative Religion at the University of California, Santa Barbara. In 1966 he returned to Israel, where became a lecturer in Comparative Religion at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and in the following year - associate professor.
In 1980 M. Stone became full professor of Armenian Studies and was named as the Gail Levin de Nur Professor of Religious Studies. In 2007 he retired from the Hebrew University, where he continues his research and lecturing as a professor emeritus. M. Stone travelled much as a visiting scholar and held professorial positions at academic institutions worldwide.

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