With his first works on, renowned Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki became one of the most famous figures of the world avant-garde music. Penderecki is one of the greatest and brightest representatives of Polish musical world and is both a composer and a conductor. Penderecki’s musical imagination is infinite. His works express fundamental human and universal ideas. In his own way Penderecki responded to the great tragedies that shocked mankind: he called one of his first orchestral works of 1960 “Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima” ( for 52 instruments), and later he composed also the oratorio “Dies Irae”, devoted to the victims of Auschwitz. Of his remarkable orchestral works are: “Polimorphie” (for 48 instruments, 1961), “Capriccio for the violin and orchestra” (1967), “Partita for the harpsichord, electric guitar, double bass and chamber orchestra” (1971), “Actions” – for a jazz ensemble (1971). He created also a number of works for the piano with the combination of different instruments.
The composer told the Armenian journalists about his Armenian roots. According to him, his Armenian grandmother, Mrs. Eugenia had moved to Poland from Iran, and they used to attend the Armenian church in Krakow together. At the beginning of 2015 Krzysztof Penderecki composed the “Psalm” dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide (“Psalmus No.3 for Armenia”) for the choir and solois. It was performed by the choir “Hover” in Carnegie Hall. Krzysztof Penderecki has thrice received “Grammy” and twice “Emmy” awards, and he has also received many prestigious state awards of different countries.

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